Colmar, Penna.

Storage Construction is the design-builder for a new three story conditioned storage facility in Colmar, Pennsylvania. This 88,000 SF project will be a comprehensive, turnkey solution that enables you, the trade contractor as well as the owner, to benefit from the full scope of our expertise. We will be offering the following trade packages for bid:
02.41 Demolition of existing buildings;
03.30 CIP concrete for new foundations and slabs;
04.22 Masonry for building frame, stair wells and elevator shafts;
05.12 Steel Framing & Envelope comprising of structural studs, standing seam roof and metal siding;
05.41 Misc. Metals for the metal stairways and railings;
07.10 Waterproofing for sheet and fluid applied waterproofing membranes;
08.11 Doors and Frames for the supply of HM doors;
08.43 Storefronts and Windows for office and display units;
09.22 Framing and Wall Board for interior partitions, insulation and wall board;
09.91 Painting of CMU, misc. metals, door and frames, and the application of concrete floor sealer;
10.50 Storage Specialties including the installation of unit roll up doors and corridor partitions;
12.30 Architectural Casework for built-in desks and cabinets;
14.20 Elevators for a two cab, single shaft, machine roomless elevator;
21.13 Fire Suppression of wet and dry systems, including life safety;
22-23 Mechanical for both HVAC and plumbing systems;
26 Electrical for power distribution and lighting (including site lighting); and
31-32 Site Construction for grading, paving, misc. site improvements and utilities.
Trade Contractors may submit proposals for one or multiple packages. Complete bid documents can be found within this Google Drive folder which is divided into subfolders that include
Drawings folder
Existing Conditions containing exterior photos
TC General Conditions which includes subcontract agreement, conditions, insurance requirements and schedule.
TC Scope of Work contains each individual scope of work.
RFI form for pre-bid questions.
BID SCHEDULE: 02/12/21 ITB Issued
02/18/21 Pre-Bid Site Visit (10AM-Demolition and Site Trades are required to visit the site)
02/19/21 Last Day for Questions
02/23/21 Addenda Issued
03/02/21 Bids Due
03/15/21 Notice of Award Issued
Learn more about Storage Construction. And learn more about yourPM.
Stephen Rohrbach, CPC
Project Management Consultant
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